Friday, October 9, 2009

Brieflines Google Group

This is my monthly advertisement for the Google Brieflines Group.

There is a group that I administer for brieflines of athletes and sporting types via google groups.

If you're interested in seeing pictures of sportsmen's brieflines, I invite you to join. Before clicking over though, please be aware of the following:

-You need to be 18 to join
-It is for guys only
-You need to provide a statement when joining which provides your gender and age. If you do not provide this information or fail to meet this criteria, your request to join will be rejected. Sorry, that's just the way it works.

And if you're interested in other and sundry brieflines, especially amateur/candid lines, I highly encourage you to join the yahoo brieflines group, managed by brieflines officianado, and mega-contributor, TZ.

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